signatures.rsuse alloy_json_abi::{Error, Event, Function};
use alloy_primitives::{hex, map::HashSet};
use foundry_common::{
abi::{get_error, get_event, get_func},
selectors::{OpenChainClient, SelectorType},
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{collections::BTreeMap, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
use tokio::sync::RwLock;
pub type SingleSignaturesIdentifier = Arc<RwLock<SignaturesIdentifier>>;
#[derive(Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct CachedSignatures {
pub errors: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub events: BTreeMap<String, String>,
pub functions: BTreeMap<String, String>,
impl CachedSignatures {
#[instrument(target = "evm::traces")]
pub fn load(cache_path: PathBuf) -> Self {
let path = cache_path.join("signatures");
if path.is_file() {
|err| warn!(target: "evm::traces", ?path, ?err, "failed to read cache file"),
} else {
if let Err(err) = std::fs::create_dir_all(cache_path) {
warn!(target: "evm::traces", "could not create signatures cache dir: {:?}", err);
pub struct SignaturesIdentifier {
cached: CachedSignatures,
cached_path: Option<PathBuf>,
unavailable: HashSet<String>,
client: Option<OpenChainClient>,
impl SignaturesIdentifier {
#[instrument(target = "evm::traces")]
pub fn new(
cache_path: Option<PathBuf>,
offline: bool,
) -> eyre::Result<SingleSignaturesIdentifier> {
let client = if !offline { Some(OpenChainClient::new()?) } else { None };
let identifier = if let Some(cache_path) = cache_path {
let path = cache_path.join("signatures");
trace!(target: "evm::traces", ?path, "reading signature cache");
let cached = CachedSignatures::load(cache_path);
Self { cached, cached_path: Some(path), unavailable: HashSet::default(), client }
} else {
Self {
cached: Default::default(),
cached_path: None,
unavailable: HashSet::default(),
#[instrument(target = "evm::traces", skip(self))]
pub fn save(&self) {
if let Some(cached_path) = &self.cached_path {
if let Some(parent) = cached_path.parent() {
if let Err(err) = std::fs::create_dir_all(parent) {
warn!(target: "evm::traces", ?parent, ?err, "failed to create cache");
if let Err(err) = fs::write_json_file(cached_path, &self.cached) {
warn!(target: "evm::traces", ?cached_path, ?err, "failed to flush signature cache");
} else {
trace!(target: "evm::traces", ?cached_path, "flushed signature cache")
impl SignaturesIdentifier {
async fn identify<T>(
&mut self,
selector_type: SelectorType,
identifiers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
get_type: impl Fn(&str) -> eyre::Result<T>,
) -> Vec<Option<T>> {
let cache = match selector_type {
SelectorType::Function => &mut self.cached.functions,
SelectorType::Event => &mut,
SelectorType::Error => &mut self.cached.errors,
let hex_identifiers: Vec<String> =
if let Some(client) = &self.client {
let query: Vec<_> = hex_identifiers
.filter(|v| !cache.contains_key(v.as_str()))
.filter(|v| !self.unavailable.contains(v.as_str()))
if let Ok(res) = client.decode_selectors(selector_type, query.clone()).await {
for (hex_id, selector_result) in query.into_iter().zip(res.into_iter()) {
let mut found = false;
if let Some(decoded_results) = selector_result {
if let Some(decoded_result) = decoded_results.into_iter().next() {
cache.insert(hex_id.clone(), decoded_result);
found = true;
if !found {
hex_identifiers.iter().map(|v| cache.get(v).and_then(|v| get_type(v).ok())).collect()
pub async fn identify_functions(
&mut self,
identifiers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
) -> Vec<Option<Function>> {
self.identify(SelectorType::Function, identifiers, get_func).await
pub async fn identify_function(&mut self, identifier: &[u8]) -> Option<Function> {
pub async fn identify_events(
&mut self,
identifiers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
) -> Vec<Option<Event>> {
self.identify(SelectorType::Event, identifiers, get_event).await
pub async fn identify_event(&mut self, identifier: &[u8]) -> Option<Event> {
pub async fn identify_errors(
&mut self,
identifiers: impl IntoIterator<Item = impl AsRef<[u8]>>,
) -> Vec<Option<Error>> {
self.identify(SelectorType::Error, identifiers, get_error).await
pub async fn identify_error(&mut self, identifier: &[u8]) -> Option<Error> {
impl Drop for SignaturesIdentifier {
fn drop(&mut self) {;
mod tests {
use super::*;
#[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")]
async fn can_query_signatures() {
let tmp = tempfile::tempdir().unwrap();
let sigs = SignaturesIdentifier::new(Some(tmp.path().into()), false).unwrap();
let func = sigs.write().await.identify_function(&[35, 184, 114, 221]).await.unwrap();
let event = sigs
39, 119, 42, 220, 99, 219, 7, 170, 231, 101, 183, 30, 178, 181, 51, 6, 79, 167,
129, 189, 87, 69, 126, 27, 19, 133, 146, 216, 25, 141, 9, 89,
assert_eq!(func, get_func("transferFrom(address,address,uint256)").unwrap());
assert_eq!(event, get_event("Transfer(address,address,uint128)").unwrap());
let sigs = SignaturesIdentifier::new(Some(tmp.path().into()), false).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, 1);
assert_eq!(, 1);