
Function replay_run

pub fn replay_run(
    invariant_contract: &InvariantContract<'_>,
    executor: Executor,
    known_contracts: &ContractsByArtifact,
    ided_contracts: BTreeMap<Address, (String, JsonAbi)>,
    logs: &mut Vec<Log>,
    traces: &mut Vec<(TraceKind, SparsedTraceArena)>,
    coverage: &mut Option<HitMaps>,
    deprecated_cheatcodes: &mut HashMap<&'static str, Option<&'static str>, RandomState>,
    inputs: &[BasicTxDetails],
) -> Result<Vec<BaseCounterExample>, Report>
Expand description

Replays a call sequence for collecting logs and traces. Returns counterexample to be used when the call sequence is a failed scenario.