
Module states



  • Assumption is that Revert can return full state from any future state to any past state.
  • Account information focused on creating of database changesets and Reverts.
  • This builder is used to help to facilitate the initialization of BundleState struct
  • Bundle state contain only values that got changed
  • Cache account contains plain state that gets updated at every transaction when evm output is applied to CacheState.
  • Cache state contains both modified and original values.
  • Plain state reverts are used to easily store reverts into database.
  • Plain storage changeset. Used to apply storage changes of plain state to the database.
  • Plain Storage Revert. Containing old values of changed storage.
  • State of blockchain.
  • Allows building of State and initializing it with different options.
  • accounts/storages/contracts for inclusion into database. Structure is made so it is easier to apply directly to database that mostly have separate tables to store account/storage/contract data.
  • This type keeps track of the current value of a storage slot.
  • Account Created when EVM state is merged to cache state. And it is sent to Block state.


Type Aliases§

  • Database boxed with a lifetime and Send.
  • More constrained version of State that uses Boxed database with a lifetime.
  • This storage represent values that are before block changed.