
Module Precompiles

Expand description

EVM precompiles interface. For illustration purposes only, as precompiles don’t follow the Solidity ABI codec.

Parameter names and types are taken from

interface Precompiles {
    struct EcPairingInput { uint256 x1; uint256 y1; uint256 x2; uint256 y2; uint256 x3; uint256 y3; }
    function ecrecover(bytes32 hash, uint8 v, uint256 r, uint256 s) returns (address publicAddress);
    function sha256(bytes data) returns (bytes32 hash);
    function ripemd(bytes data) returns (bytes20 hash);
    function identity(bytes data) returns (bytes data);
    function modexp(uint256 Bsize, uint256 Esize, uint256 Msize, bytes B, bytes E, bytes M) returns (bytes value);
    function ecadd(uint256 x1, uint256 y1, uint256 x2, uint256 y2) returns (uint256 x, uint256 y);
    function ecmul(uint256 x1, uint256 y1, uint256 s) returns (uint256 x, uint256 y);
    function ecpairing(EcPairingInput[] input) returns (bool success);
    function blake2f(uint32 rounds, uint64[8] h, uint64[16] m, uint64[2] t, bool f) returns (uint64[8] h);
    function pointEvaluation(bytes32 versionedHash, bytes32 z, bytes32 y, bytes1[48] commitment, bytes1[48] proof) returns (bytes value);

