transactions.rsuse alloy_consensus::{Transaction, TxEnvelope};
use alloy_eips::eip7702::SignedAuthorization;
use alloy_network::AnyTransactionReceipt;
use alloy_primitives::{Address, TxKind, U256};
use alloy_provider::{
network::{AnyNetwork, ReceiptResponse, TransactionBuilder},
use alloy_rpc_types::{BlockId, TransactionRequest};
use alloy_serde::WithOtherFields;
use alloy_transport::Transport;
use eyre::Result;
use foundry_common_fmt::UIfmt;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason {
pub receipt: AnyTransactionReceipt,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none", rename = "revertReason")]
pub revert_reason: Option<String>,
impl TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason {
pub fn is_failure(&self) -> bool {
pub async fn update_revert_reason<T: Transport + Clone, P: Provider<T, AnyNetwork>>(
&mut self,
provider: &P,
) -> Result<()> {
self.revert_reason = self.fetch_revert_reason(provider).await?;
async fn fetch_revert_reason<T: Transport + Clone, P: Provider<T, AnyNetwork>>(
provider: &P,
) -> Result<Option<String>> {
if !self.is_failure() {
return Ok(None)
let transaction = provider
.map_err(|err| eyre::eyre!("unable to fetch transaction: {err}"))?
.ok_or_else(|| eyre::eyre!("transaction not found"))?;
if let Some(block_hash) = self.receipt.block_hash {
match provider
Err(e) => return Ok(extract_revert_reason(e.to_string())),
Ok(_) => eyre::bail!("no revert reason as transaction succeeded"),
eyre::bail!("unable to fetch block_hash")
impl From<AnyTransactionReceipt> for TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason {
fn from(receipt: AnyTransactionReceipt) -> Self {
Self { receipt, revert_reason: None }
impl From<TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason> for AnyTransactionReceipt {
fn from(receipt_with_reason: TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason) -> Self {
impl UIfmt for TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason {
fn pretty(&self) -> String {
if let Some(revert_reason) = &self.revert_reason {
revertReason {}",
} else {
fn extract_revert_reason<S: AsRef<str>>(error_string: S) -> Option<String> {
let message_substr = "execution reverted: ";
.map(|index| error_string.as_ref().split_at(index + message_substr.len()).1.to_string())
pub fn get_pretty_tx_receipt_attr(
receipt: &TransactionReceiptWithRevertReason,
attr: &str,
) -> Option<String> {
match attr {
"blockHash" | "block_hash" => Some(receipt.receipt.block_hash.pretty()),
"blockNumber" | "block_number" => Some(receipt.receipt.block_number.pretty()),
"contractAddress" | "contract_address" => Some(receipt.receipt.contract_address.pretty()),
"cumulativeGasUsed" | "cumulative_gas_used" => {
"effectiveGasPrice" | "effective_gas_price" => {
"gasUsed" | "gas_used" => Some(receipt.receipt.gas_used.to_string()),
"logs" => Some(receipt.receipt.inner.inner.inner.receipt.logs.as_slice().pretty()),
"logsBloom" | "logs_bloom" => Some(receipt.receipt.inner.inner.inner.logs_bloom.pretty()),
"root" | "stateRoot" | "state_root " => Some(receipt.receipt.state_root().pretty()),
"status" | "statusCode" | "status_code" => {
"transactionHash" | "transaction_hash" => Some(receipt.receipt.transaction_hash.pretty()),
"transactionIndex" | "transaction_index" => {
"type" | "transaction_type" => Some(receipt.receipt.inner.inner.r#type.to_string()),
"revertReason" | "revert_reason" => Some(receipt.revert_reason.pretty()),
_ => None,
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_extract_revert_reason() {
let error_string_1 = "server returned an error response: error code 3: execution reverted: Transaction too old";
let error_string_2 = "server returned an error response: error code 3: Invalid signature";
assert_eq!(extract_revert_reason(error_string_1), Some("Transaction too old".to_string()));
assert_eq!(extract_revert_reason(error_string_2), None);
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum TransactionMaybeSigned {
Signed {
tx: TxEnvelope,
from: Address,
impl TransactionMaybeSigned {
pub fn new(tx: WithOtherFields<TransactionRequest>) -> Self {
pub fn new_signed(
tx: TxEnvelope,
) -> core::result::Result<Self, alloy_primitives::SignatureError> {
let from = tx.recover_signer()?;
Ok(Self::Signed { tx, from })
pub fn is_unsigned(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self, Self::Unsigned(_))
pub fn as_unsigned_mut(&mut self) -> Option<&mut WithOtherFields<TransactionRequest>> {
match self {
Self::Unsigned(tx) => Some(tx),
_ => None,
pub fn from(&self) -> Option<Address> {
match self {
Self::Signed { from, .. } => Some(*from),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.from,
pub fn input(&self) -> Option<&[u8]> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => Some(tx.input()),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.input.input().map(|i| i.as_ref()),
pub fn to(&self) -> Option<TxKind> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => Some(tx.kind()),
Self::Unsigned(tx) =>,
pub fn value(&self) -> Option<U256> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => Some(tx.value()),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.value,
pub fn gas(&self) -> Option<u128> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => Some(tx.gas_limit() as u128),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.gas_limit().map(|g| g as u128),
pub fn nonce(&self) -> Option<u64> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => Some(tx.nonce()),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.nonce,
pub fn authorization_list(&self) -> Option<Vec<SignedAuthorization>> {
match self {
Self::Signed { tx, .. } => tx.authorization_list().map(|auths| auths.to_vec()),
Self::Unsigned(tx) => tx.authorization_list.as_deref().map(|auths| auths.to_vec()),
.filter(|auths| !auths.is_empty())
impl From<TransactionRequest> for TransactionMaybeSigned {
fn from(tx: TransactionRequest) -> Self {
impl TryFrom<TxEnvelope> for TransactionMaybeSigned {
type Error = alloy_primitives::SignatureError;
fn try_from(tx: TxEnvelope) -> core::result::Result<Self, Self::Error> {