
Cheatcodes modifying tx_info:


fn spoof(target: CheatTarget, tx_info_mock: TxInfoMock, span: CheatSpan)

Changes TxInfo returned by get_tx_info() for the targeted contract and span.


fn start_spoof(target: CheatTarget, tx_info_mock: TxInfoMock)

Changes TxInfo returned by get_tx_info() for the targeted contract until the spoof is canceled with stop_spoof.


fn stop_spoof(target: CheatTarget)

Cancels the spoof / start_spoof for the given target.


A structure used for setting individual fields in TxInfo All fields are optional, with optional value meaning as defined:

  • None means that the field is going to be reset to the initial value
  • Some(n) means that the value will be set to the n value
struct TxInfoMock {
    version: Option<felt252>,
    account_contract_address: Option<ContractAddress>,
    max_fee: Option<u128>,
    signature: Option<Span<felt252>>,
    transaction_hash: Option<felt252>,
    chain_id: Option<felt252>,
    nonce: Option<felt252>,
    // starknet::info::v2::TxInfo fields
    resource_bounds: Option<Span<starknet::info::v2::ResourceBounds>>,
    tip: Option<u128>,
    paymaster_data: Option<Span<felt252>>,
    nonce_data_availability_mode: Option<u32>,
    fee_data_availability_mode: Option<u32>,
    account_deployment_data: Option<Span<felt252>>,


pub struct ResourceBounds {
    resource: felt252,
    max_amount: u64,
    max_price_per_unit: u128,

A struct responsible for setting the resource bounds, used in TxInfoMock.


trait TxInfoMockTrait {
    fn default() -> TxInfoMock;

Returns a default object initialized with Option::None for each field. Useful for setting only a few of the fields instead of all of them.