
Send an invoke transaction to Starknet.

Required Common Arguments — Passed By CLI or Specified in snfoundry.toml

--contract-address, -a <CONTRACT_ADDRESS>


The address of the contract being called in hex (prefixed with '0x') or decimal representation.

--function, -f <FUNCTION_NAME>


The name of the function to call.

--calldata, -c <CALLDATA>


Inputs to the function, represented by a list of space-delimited values 0x1 2 0x3. Calldata arguments may be either 0x hex or decimal felts.

--url, -u <RPC_URL>


Starknet RPC node url address.

Overrides url from snfoundry.toml.

--max-fee, -m <MAX_FEE>


Maximum fee for the invoke transaction in Fri or Wei depending on fee token or transaction version. When not used, defaults to auto-estimation.

--fee-token <FEE_TOKEN>

Optional. When not used, defaults to STRK.

Token used for fee payment. Possible values: ETH, STRK.

--max-gas <MAX_GAS>


Maximum gas for the invoke transaction. When not used, defaults to auto-estimation. (Only for STRK fee payment)

--max-gas-unit-price <MAX_GAS_UNIT_PRICE>


Maximum gas unit price for the invoke transaction paid in Fri. When not used, defaults to auto-estimation. (Only for STRK fee payment)

--version, -v <VERSION>

Optional. When not used, defaults to v3.

Version of the deployment transaction. Possible values: v1, v3.

--nonce, -n <NONCE>


Nonce for transaction. If not provided, nonce will be set automatically.