Calling Contracts


Starknet Foundry sncast supports calling smart contracts on a given network with the sncast call command.

The basic inputs that you need for this command are:

  • Contract address
  • Function name
  • Inputs to the function

For a detailed CLI description, see the call command reference.


General Example

$ sncast \
  --url \
  call \
  --contract-address 0x4a739ab73aa3cac01f9da5d55f49fb67baee4919224454a2e3f85b16462a911 \
  --function "some_function" \
  --calldata 1 2 3

command: call
response: [0x1, 0x23, 0x4]

📝 Note Call does not require passing account-connected parameters (account and accounts-file) because it doesn't create a transaction.

Passing block-id Argument

You can call a contract at the specific block by passing --block-id argument.

$ sncast call \
  --contract-address 0x4a739ab73aa3cac01f9da5d55f49fb67baee4919224454a2e3f85b16462a911 \
  --function "some_function" \
  --calldata 1 2 3 \
  --block-id 1234

command: call
response: [0x1, 0x23]