sncast Overview

Starknet Foundry sncast is a command line tool for performing Starknet RPC calls. With it, you can easily interact with Starknet contracts!

💡 Info At the moment, sncast only supports contracts written in Cairo v1 and v2.

⚠️ Warning Currently, only OpenZeppelin accounts are supported.

How to Use sncast

To use sncast, run the sncast command followed by a subcommand (see available commands):

$ sncast <subcommand>

If snfoundry.toml is present and configured with [sncast.default], url, accounts-file and account name will be taken from it. You can, however, overwrite their values by supplying them as flags directly to sncast cli.

💡 Info Some transactions (like declaring, deploying or invoking) require paying a fee, and they must be signed.


General Example

Let's use sncast to call a contract's function:

$ sncast --account myuser \
    --url \
    call \
    --contract-address 0x38b7b9507ccf73d79cb42c2cc4e58cf3af1248f342112879bfdf5aa4f606cc9 \
    --function get \
    --calldata 0x0 \
    --block-id latest

command: call
response: [0x0]

📝 Note In the above example we supply sncast with --account and --url flags. If snfoundry.toml is present, and have these properties set, values provided using these flags will override values from snfoundry.toml. Learn more about snfoundry.toml configuration here.

How to Use --wait Flag

Let's invoke a transaction and wait for it to be ACCEPTED_ON_L2.

$ sncast --account myuser \
    --url \
    --wait \
    deploy \
    --class-hash 0x8448a68b5ea1affc45e3fd4b8b480ea36a51dc34e337a16d2567d32d0c6f8a
Transaction hash: 0x3062310a1e40d4b66d8987ba7447d1c7317381d0295d62cb12f2fe3f11e6983
Waiting for transaction to be received. Retries left: 11
Waiting for transaction to be received. Retries left: 10
Waiting for transaction to be received. Retries left: 9
Waiting for transaction to be received. Retries left: 8
Waiting for transaction to be received. Retries left: 7
Received transaction. Status: Pending
Received transaction. Status: Pending
Received transaction. Status: Pending
Received transaction. Status: Pending
Received transaction. Status: Pending
Received transaction. Status: Pending
command: deploy
contract_address: 0x1d91599ec661e97fdcbb10c642a1c4f920986f1a7a9659d157d0db09baaa29e
transaction_hash: 0x3062310a1e40d4b66d8987ba7447d1c7317381d0295d62cb12f2fe3f11e6983

As you can see command waited for the transaction until it was ACCEPTED_ON_L2.

After setting up the --wait flag, command waits 60 seconds for a transaction to be received and (another not specified amount of time) to be included in the block.

📝 Note By default, all commands don't wait for transactions.