Invoking Contracts


Starknet Foundry sncast supports invoking smart contracts on a given network with the sncast invoke command.

In most cases, you have to provide:

  • Contract address
  • Function name
  • Function arguments

For detailed CLI description, see invoke command reference.


General Example

$ sncast \
  --url \
  --account example_user \
  invoke \
  --fee-token strk \
  --contract-address 0x4a739ab73aa3cac01f9da5d55f49fb67baee4919224454a2e3f85b16462a911 \
  --function "some_function" \
  --calldata 1 2 0x1e
command: invoke
transaction_hash: 0x7ad0d6e449e33b6581a4bb8df866c0fce3919a5ee05a30840ba521dafee217f

💡 Info Max fee will be automatically computed if --max-fee <MAX_FEE> is not passed.

💡 Info You can also choose to pay in Ether by setting --fee-token to eth.

Invoking Function Without Arguments

Not every function accepts parameters. Here is how to call it.

$ sncast invoke \
  --fee-token strk \
  --contract-address 0x4a739ab73aa3cac01f9da5d55f49fb67baee4919224454a2e3f85b16462a911 \
  --function "function_without_params"
command: invoke
transaction_hash: 0x7ad0d6e449e33b6581a4bb8df866c0fce3919a5ee05a30840ba521dafee217f