Project Configuration


Configuring snforge Settings in Scarb.toml

It is possible to configure snforge for all test runs through Scarb.toml. Instead of passing arguments in the command line, set them directly in the file.

# ...
exit_first = true
# ...

snforge automatically looks for Scarb.toml in the directory you are running the tests in or in any of its parents.


Defining Profiles in snfoundry.toml

To be able to work with the network, you need to supply sncast with a few parameters — namely the rpc node url and an account name that should be used to interact with it. This can be done by either supplying sncast with those parameters directly see more detailed CLI description, or you can put them into snfoundry.toml file:

# ...
account = "user"
accounts-file = "~/my_accounts.json"
url = ""
# ...

With snfoundry.toml configured this way, we can just pass --profile myprofile argument to make sure sncast uses parameters defined in the profile.

📝 Note snfoundry.toml file has to be present in current or any of the parent directories.

📝 Note If there is a profile with the same name in Scarb.toml, scarb will use this profile. If not, scarb will default to using the dev profile. (This applies only to subcommands using scarb - namely declare and script).

💡 Info Not all parameters have to be present in the configuration - you can choose to include only some of them and supply the rest of them using CLI flags. You can also override parameters from the configuration using CLI flags.

$ sncast --profile myprofile \
    call \
    --contract-address 0x38b7b9507ccf73d79cb42c2cc4e58cf3af1248f342112879bfdf5aa4f606cc9 \
    --function get \
    --calldata 0x0 \
    --block-id latest

command: call
response: [0x0]

Multiple Profiles

You can have multiple profiles defined in the snfoundry.toml.

Default Profile

There is also an option to set up a default profile, which can be utilized without the need to specify a --profile. Here's an example:

# ...
account = "user123"
accounts-file = "~/my_accounts.json"
url = ""
# ...

With this, there's no need to include the --profile argument when using sncast.

$ sncast call \
    --contract-address 0x38b7b9507ccf73d79cb42c2cc4e58cf3af1248f342112879bfdf5aa4f606cc9 \
    --function get \
    --calldata 0x0 \
    --block-id latest

command: call
response: [0x1, 0x23, 0x4]

Environmental variables

Programmers can use environmental variables in both Scarb.toml::tool::snforge and in snfoundry.toml. To use an environmental variable as a value, use its name prefixed with $. This might be useful, for example, to hide node urls in the public repositories. As an example:

# ...
account = "my_account"
accounts-file = "~/my_accounts.json"
url = "$NODE_URL"
# ...

Variable value are automatically resolved to numbers and booleans (strings true, false) if it is possible.