Environment Setup

💡 Info This tutorial is only relevant if you wish to contribute to Starknet Foundry. If you plan to only use it as a tool for your project, you can skip this part.



Install the latest stable Rust version. If you already have Rust installed make sure to upgrade it by running

$ rustup update


You can read more about installing Scarb here

Please make sure you're using Scarb installed via asdf - otherwise some tests may fail.

To verify, run:

$ which scarb

the result of which should be:


If you previously installed scarb using official installer, you may need to remove this installation or modify your PATH to make sure asdf installed one is always used.

❗️ Warning

If you haven't pushed your branch to the remote yet (you've been working only locally), two tests will fail:

  • e2e::running::init_new_project_test
  • e2e::running::simple_package_with_git_dependency

After pushing the branch to the remote, those tests should pass.

Starknet Devnet

To install it run ./scripts/install_devnet.sh

Universal sierra compiler

Install the latest universal-sierra-compiler version.

Running Tests

Tests can be run with:

$ cargo test

Formatting and Lints

Starknet Foundry uses rustfmt for formatting. You can run the formatter with

$ cargo fmt

For linting, it uses clippy. You can run it with this command:

$ cargo clippy --all-targets --all-features -- --no-deps -W clippy::pedantic -A clippy::missing_errors_doc -A clippy::missing_panics_doc -A clippy::default_trait_access

Or using our defined alias

$ cargo lint


Starknet Foundry uses typos for spelling checks.

You can run the checker with

$ typos

Some typos can be automatically fixed by running

$ typos -w


Read the general contribution guideline here