Performing Multicall


Starknet Foundry sncast supports executing multiple deployments or calls with the sncast multicall run command.

📝 Note sncast multicall run executes only one transaction containing all the prepared calls. Which means the fee is paid once.

You need to provide a path to a .toml file with declarations of desired operations that you want to execute.

You can also compose such config .toml file with the sncast multicall new command.

For a detailed CLI description, see the multicall command reference.


multicall run Example

Example file:

call_type = "deploy"
class_hash = "0x076e94149fc55e7ad9c5fe3b9af570970ae2cf51205f8452f39753e9497fe849"
inputs = []
id = "map_contract"
unique = false

call_type = "invoke"
contract_address = "map_contract"
function = "put"
inputs = ["0x123", "234"]

After running sncast multicall run --path file.toml, a declared contract will be first deployed, and then its function put will be invoked.

📝 Note The example above demonstrates the use of the id property in a deploy call, which is then referenced as the contract address in an invoke call. Additionally, the id can be referenced in the inputs of deploy and invoke calls 🔥

$ sncast multicall run --path /Users/john/Desktop/multicall_example.toml

command: multicall
transaction_hash: 0x38fb8a0432f71bf2dae746a1b4f159a75a862e253002b48599c9611fa271dcb

💡 Info Max fee will be automatically computed if --max-fee <MAX_FEE> is not passed.

multicall new Example

You can also generate multicall template with multicall new command.

$ sncast multicall new

call_type = "deploy"
class_hash = ""
inputs = []
id = ""
unique = false

call_type = "invoke"
contract_address = ""
function = ""
inputs = []

multicall new With output-path Argument

Template can be automatically saved to file.

$ sncast multicall new \
    --output-path ./new_multicall_template.toml

Multicall template successfully saved in ./new_multicall_template.toml

multicall new With overwrite Argument

If there is a file with the same name as passed in the --output-path argument it can be overwritten.

$ sncast multicall new \
    --output-path ./new_multicall_template.toml \

Multicall template successfully saved in ./new_multicall_template.toml