Fork Testing

snforge supports testing in a forked environment. Each test can fork the state of a specified real network and perform actions on top of it.

📝 Note

Actions are performed on top of the forked state which means real network is not affected.

Test Contract

We will demonstrate fork testing on an example of the Pokemons contract deployed on Sepolia network. We are going to use a free, open RPC endpoint - Blast.

We first need to define the contract's interface along with all the structures used by its externals:

#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Drop, Serde, starknet::Store)]
pub struct Pokemon {
    pub name: ByteArray,
    pub element: Element,
    pub likes: felt252,
    pub owner: starknet::ContractAddress

#[derive(Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Drop, Serde, starknet::Store)]
pub enum Element {

pub trait IPokemonGallery<TContractState> {
    fn like(ref self: TContractState, name: ByteArray);
    fn all(self: @TContractState) -> Array<Pokemon>;
    fn pokemon(self: @TContractState, name: ByteArray) -> Option<Pokemon>;
    fn liked(self: @TContractState) -> Array<Pokemon>;

Fork Configuration

There are two ways of configuring a fork:

  • by specifying url and block-related parameters in the #[fork(...)] attribute
  • or by passing a fork name defined in your Scarb.toml to the #[fork(...)] attribute

Configure a Fork in the Attribute

It is possible to pass url and only one of block_number, block_hash, block_tag arguments to the fork attribute:

  • url (string literal) - RPC URL
  • block_number (hexadecimal number) - number of block which fork will be pinned to
  • block_hash (hexadecimal number) - hash of block which fork will be pinned to
  • block_tag (identifier) - tag of block which fork will be pinned to. Currently only latest is supported

Once such a configuration is passed, it is possible to use state and contracts defined on the specified network.

We are going to test a very simple scenario:

  1. Obtain a dispatcher generated by the #[starknet::interface]
  2. Instantiate it with a real contract address present in the forked state
  3. Call a method modifying the contract's state
  4. Make some assertion about the changed state

Example uses of all methods:

  1. block_number:
// import dispatcher generated by the interface we wrote
use fork_testing::{IPokemonGalleryDispatcher, IPokemonGalleryDispatcherTrait};

// take an address of a real network contract
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

#[fork(url: "", block_number: 77864)]
fn test_using_forked_state() {
    // instantiate the dispatcher
    let dispatcher = IPokemonGalleryDispatcher {
        contract_address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap()

    // call the mutating method"Charizard");

    // check if the contract's state has changed
    let pokemon = dispatcher.pokemon("Charizard");

    assert_eq!(pokemon.unwrap().likes, 1);
  1. block_hash:
use fork_testing::{IPokemonGalleryDispatcher, IPokemonGalleryDispatcherTrait};

const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

    url: "",
    block_hash: 0x0690f8d584b52c2798d76b3346217a516778abee9b1bd8e400beb4f05dd9a4e7
fn test_using_forked_state() {
    let dispatcher = IPokemonGalleryDispatcher {
        contract_address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap()
    let pokemon = dispatcher.pokemon("Charizard");

    assert_eq!(pokemon.unwrap().likes, 1);
  1. block_tag:
use fork_testing::{IPokemonGalleryDispatcher, IPokemonGalleryDispatcherTrait};

const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

#[fork(url: "", block_tag: latest)]
fn test_using_forked_state() {
    let dispatcher = IPokemonGalleryDispatcher {
        contract_address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap()
    let pokemon = dispatcher.pokemon("Charizard");

    assert_eq!(pokemon.unwrap().likes, 1);

Configure Fork in Scarb.toml

Although passing named arguments works fine, you have to copy-paste it each time you want to use the same fork in tests.

snforge solves this issue by allowing fork configuration inside the Scarb.toml file.

url = ""
block_id.tag = "latest"

From this moment forks can be set using their name in the fork attribute.

use fork_testing::{IPokemonGalleryDispatcher, IPokemonGalleryDispatcherTrait};

const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

fn test_using_forked_state() {
    let dispatcher = IPokemonGalleryDispatcher {
        contract_address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap()
    let pokemon = dispatcher.pokemon("Charizard");

    assert_eq!(pokemon.unwrap().likes, 1);

In some cases you may want to override block_id defined in the Scarb.toml file. You can do it by passing block_number, block_hash, block_tag arguments to the fork attribute.

use fork_testing::{IPokemonGalleryDispatcher, IPokemonGalleryDispatcherTrait};

const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

#[fork("SEPOLIA_LATEST", block_number: 200000)]
fn test_using_forked_state() {
    let dispatcher = IPokemonGalleryDispatcher {
        contract_address: CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap()
    let pokemon = dispatcher.pokemon("Charizard");

    assert_eq!(pokemon.unwrap().likes, 1);

Testing Forked Contracts

Once the fork is configured, the test will run on top of the forked state, meaning that it will have access to every contract deployed on the real network.

With that, you can now interact with any contract from the chain the same way you would in a standard test.

⚠️ Warning

Some cheats aren't supported and won't work for forked contracts written in Cairo 0. Only those cheats are going to have an effect:

  • caller_address
  • block_number
  • block_timestamp
  • sequencer_address
  • spy_events
  • spy_messages_to_l1