Cairo Deployment Scripts


⚠️⚠️⚠️ Highly experimental code, a subject to change ⚠️⚠️⚠️

Starknet Foundry cast can be used to run deployment scripts written in Cairo, using script run subcommand. It aims to provide similar functionality to Foundry's forge script.

To start writing a deployment script in Cairo just add sncast_std as a dependency to you scarb package and make sure to have a main function in the module you want to run. sncast_std docs can be found here.

Please note that sncast script is in development. While it is already possible to declare, deploy, invoke and call contracts from within Cairo, its interface, internals and feature set can change rapidly each version.

⚠️⚠️ By default, the nonce for each transaction is being taken from the pending block ⚠️⚠️

Some RPC nodes can be configured with higher poll intervals, which means they may return "older" nonces in pending blocks, or even not be able to obtain pending blocks at all. This might be the case if you get an error like "Invalid transaction nonce" when running a script, and you may need to manually set both nonce and max_fee for transactions.


     let declare_result = declare(
       FeeSettings::Eth(EthFeeSettings { max_fee: Option::Some(max_fee) }),
       .expect('declare failed');

Some of the planned features that will be included in future versions are:

  • dispatchers support
  • logging
  • account creation/deployment
  • multicall support
  • dry running the scripts

and more!

State file

By default, when you run a script a state file containing information about previous runs will be created. This file can later be used to skip making changes to the network if they were done previously.

To determine if an operation (a function like declare, deploy or invoke) has to be sent to the network, the script will first check if such operation with given arguments already exists in state file. If it does, and previously ended with a success, its execution will be skipped. Otherwise, sncast will attempt to execute this function, and will write its status to the state file afterwards.

To prevent sncast from using the state file, you can set the --no-state-file flag.

A state file is typically named in a following manner:

{script name}_{network name}_state.json

Suggested directory structures

As sncast scripts are just regular scarb packages, there are multiple ways to incorporate scripts into your existing scarb workspace. Most common directory structures include:

1. scripts directory with all the scripts in the same workspace with cairo contracts (default for sncast script init)

$ tree
├── scripts
│   └── my_script
│       ├── Scarb.toml
│       └── src
│           ├── my_script.cairo
│           └── lib.cairo
├── src
│   ├── my_contract.cairo
│   └── lib.cairo
└── Scarb.toml

📝 Note You should add scripts to members field in your top-level Scarb.toml to be able to run the script from anywhere in the workspace - otherwise you will have to run the script from within its directory. To learn more consult Scarb documentation.

You can also have multiple scripts as separate packages, or multiple modules inside one package, like so:

1a. multiple scripts in one package

$ tree
├── scripts
│   └── my_script
│       ├── Scarb.toml
│       └── src
│           ├── my_script1.cairo
│           ├── my_script2.cairo
│           └── lib.cairo
├── src
│   ├── my_contract.cairo
│   └── lib.cairo
└── Scarb.toml

1b. multiple scripts as separate packages

$ tree
├── scripts
│   ├── Scarb.toml
│   ├── first_script
│   │   ├── Scarb.toml
│   │   └── src
│   │       ├── first_script.cairo
│   │       └── lib.cairo
│   └── second_script
│       ├── Scarb.toml
│       └── src
│           ├── second_script.cairo
│           └── lib.cairo
├── src
│   ├── my_contract.cairo
│   └── lib.cairo
└── Scarb.toml

1c. single script with flat directory structure

$ tree
├── Scarb.toml
├── scripts
│   ├── Scarb.toml
│   └── src
│       ├── my_script.cairo
│       └── lib.cairo
└── src
    └── lib.cairo

2. scripts disjointed from the workspace with cairo contracts

$ tree
├── Scarb.toml
└── src
    ├── lib.cairo
    └── my_script.cairo

In order to use this directory structure you must set any contracts you're using as dependencies in script's Scarb.toml, and override build-external-contracts property to build those contracts. To learn more consult Scarb documentation.

This setup can be seen in action in Full Example below.


Initialize a script

To get started, a deployment script with all required elements can be initialized using the following command:

$ sncast script init my_script

For more details, see init command.

📝 Note To include a newly created script in an existing workspace, it must be manually added to the members list in the Scarb.toml file, under the defined workspace. For more detailed information about workspaces, please refer to the Scarb documentation.

Minimal Example (Without Contract Deployment)

This example shows how to call an already deployed contract. Please find full example with contract deployment here.

use starknet::ContractAddress;
use sncast_std::{call, CallResult};

// A real contract deployed on Sepolia network
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 =

fn main() {
    let call_result = call(
        CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap(), selector!("get_greeting"), array![]
        .expect('call failed');

    assert(*[1] == 'Hello, Starknet!', *[1]);

    println!("{:?}", call_result);

The script should be included in a Scarb package. The directory structure and config for this example looks like this:

$ tree
├── src
│   ├── my_script.cairo
│   └── lib.cairo
└── Scarb.toml
name = "my_script"
version = "0.1.0"

starknet = ">=2.8.0"
sncast_std = { git = "", tag = "v0.30.0" }

To run the script, do:

$ sncast \
  script run my_script

CallResult { data: [0, 96231036770510887841935600920878740513, 16] }
command: script run
status: success

Full Example (With Contract Deployment)

This example script declares, deploys and interacts with an example MapContract:

pub trait IMapContract<State> {
    fn put(ref self: State, key: felt252, value: felt252);
    fn get(self: @State, key: felt252) -> felt252;

pub mod MapContract {
    use starknet::storage::{Map, StorageMapReadAccess, StorageMapWriteAccess};

    struct Storage {
        storage: Map<felt252, felt252>,

    impl MapContractImpl of super::IMapContract<ContractState> {
        fn put(ref self: ContractState, key: felt252, value: felt252) {
  , value);

        fn get(self: @ContractState, key: felt252) -> felt252 {

We prepare a script:

use sncast_std::{
    declare, deploy, invoke, call, DeclareResult, DeployResult, InvokeResult, CallResult, get_nonce,
    FeeSettings, EthFeeSettings

fn main() {
    let max_fee = 999999999999999;
    let salt = 0x3;

    let declare_nonce = get_nonce('latest');

    let declare_result = declare(
        FeeSettings::Eth(EthFeeSettings { max_fee: Option::Some(max_fee) }),
        .expect('map declare failed');

    let class_hash = declare_result.class_hash;
    let deploy_nonce = get_nonce('pending');

    let deploy_result = deploy(
        FeeSettings::Eth(EthFeeSettings { max_fee: Option::Some(max_fee) }),
        .expect('map deploy failed');

    assert(deploy_result.transaction_hash != 0, deploy_result.transaction_hash);

    let invoke_nonce = get_nonce('pending');

    let invoke_result = invoke(
        array![0x1, 0x2],
        FeeSettings::Eth(EthFeeSettings { max_fee: Option::Some(max_fee) }),
        .expect('map invoke failed');

    assert(invoke_result.transaction_hash != 0, invoke_result.transaction_hash);

    let call_result = call(deploy_result.contract_address, selector!("get"), array![0x1])
        .expect('map call failed');

    assert( == array![0x2], *;

The script should be included in a Scarb package. The directory structure and config for this example looks like this:

$ tree
├── contracts
│    ├── Scarb.toml
│    └── src
│        └── lib.cairo
└── scripts
    ├── Scarb.toml
    └── src
        ├── lib.cairo
        └── map_script.cairo
name = "map_script"
version = "0.1.0"

starknet = ">=2.8.0"
sncast_std = { git = "", tag = "v0.30.0" }
map = { path = "../contracts" }

sierra = true
casm = true

build-external-contracts = [

Please note that map contract was specified as the dependency. In our example, it resides in the filesystem. To generate the artifacts for it that will be accessible from the script you need to use the build-external-contracts property.

To run the script, do:

$ sncast \
  --account example_user \
  script run map_script \

Class hash of the declared contract: 685896493695476540388232336434993540241192267040651919145140488413686992233
Deployed the contract to address: 2993684914933159551622723238457226804366654523161908704282792530334498925876
Invoke tx hash is: 2455538849277152825594824366964313930331085452149746033747086127466991639149
Call result: [2]

command: script run
status: success

As an idempotency feature is turned on by default, executing the same script once again ends with a success and only call functions are being executed (as they do not change the network state):

$ sncast \
  --account example_user \
  script run map_script \

Class hash of the declared contract: 1922774777685257258886771026518018305931014651657879651971507142160195873652
Deployed the contract to address: 3478557462226312644848472512920965457566154264259286784215363579593349825684
Invoke tx hash is: 1373185562410761200747829131886166680837022579434823960660735040169785115611
Call result: [2]
command: script run
status: success

whereas, when we run the same script once again with --no-state-file flag set, it fails (as the Map contract is already declared):

$ sncast \
  --account example_user \
  script run map_script \
  --url \

command: script run
    0x636f6e747261637420616c7265616479206465636c61726564 ('contract already declared')

status: script panicked

Error handling

Each of declare, deploy, invoke, call functions return Result<T, ScriptCommandError>, where T is a corresponding response struct. This allows for various script errors to be handled programmatically. Script errors implement Debug trait, allowing the error to be printed to stdout.

Minimal example with assert! and println!

use starknet::ContractAddress;
use sncast_std::{call, CallResult};

// Some nonexistent contract
const CONTRACT_ADDRESS: felt252 = 0x2137;

fn main() {
    // This call fails
    let call_result = call(
        CONTRACT_ADDRESS.try_into().unwrap(), selector!("get_greeting"), array![]

    // Make some assertion

    // Print the result error
    println!("Received error: {:?}", call_result.unwrap_err());

More on deployment scripts errors here.