
Prepare all prerequisites for account deployment.

Account information will be saved to the file specified by --accounts-file argument, which is ~/.starknet_accounts/starknet_open_zeppelin_accounts.json by default.

Required Common Arguments — Passed By CLI or Specified in snfoundry.toml

--name, -n <ACCOUNT_NAME>


Account name under which account information is going to be saved.

--type, -t <ACCOUNT_TYPE>

Optional. Required if --class-hash is passed.

Type of the account. Possible values: oz, argent, braavos. Defaults to oz.

Versions of the account contracts:

--salt, -s <SALT>


Salt for the account address. If omitted random one will be generated.

--add-profile <NAME>


If passed, a profile with corresponding name will be added to snfoundry.toml.

--class-hash, -c


Class hash of a custom openzeppelin account contract declared to the network.