Fees and versions

Historically, fees for transactions on Starknet had to be paid exclusively with ETH. However, with the rollout of v3 transactions, users now have the additional option to pay these fees using STRK.

💡 Info V3 transactions have additional options, that give you more control over transaction fee. You can specify the maximum gas unit price and the maximum gas for the transaction. This is done using the --max-gas and --max-gas-unit-price flags.

Cast allows you to specify either the version of the transaction you want to send or the fee token you want to pay the fees in. This is done using the --version and --fee-token flags.

💡 Info Don't worry if you're not sure which version to use, it will be inferred automatically based on the fee token you provide. The same goes for the fee token, if you provide a version, the fee token will be inferred.

sncast account deploy

When deploying an account, you can specify the version of the transaction and the fee token to use. The table below shows which token is used for which version of the transaction:

VersionFee Token

When paying in STRK, you need to either set --fee-token to strk:

$ sncast account deploy \
    --name some-name \
    --fee-token strk \
    --max-fee 9999999999999

or set --version to v3:

$ sncast account deploy \
    --name some-name \
    --version v3 \
    --max-fee 9999999999999

In case of paying in ETH, same rules apply. You need to set either --fee-token to eth:

$ sncast account deploy \
    --name some-name \
    --fee-token eth \
    --max-fee 9999999999999

or set --version to v1:

$ sncast account deploy \
    --name some-name \
    --version v1 \
    --max-fee 9999999999999

📝 Note The unit used in --max-fee flag is the smallest unit of the given fee token. For ETH it is Wei, for STRK it is Fri.

sncast deploy

Currently, there are two versions of the deployment transaction: v1 and v3. The table below shows which token is used for which version of the transaction:

VersionFee Token

sncast declare

Currently, there are two versions of the declare transaction: v2 and v3. The table below shows which token is used for which version of the transaction:

VersionFee Token

sncast invoke and sncast multicall run

Currently, there are two versions of invoke transaction: v1 and v3. The table below shows which token is used for which version of the transaction:

VersionFee Token