The Manifest Format

The Scarb.toml contains the package manifest that is needed in package compilation process. It can be used to provide configuration for Starknet Foundry Forge. For more, see official Scarb documentation.

Scarb.toml Contents


# ...

Allows to configure snforge settings. All fields are optional.


The exit_first fields specifies whether to stop tests execution immediately upon the first failure. See more about stopping test execution after first failed test.

exit_first = true


The fuzzer_runs field specifies the number of runs of the random fuzzer.


The fuzzer_seed field specifies the seed for the random fuzzer.

See more about fuzzer.

Example of fuzzer configuration

fuzzer_runs = 1234
fuzzer_seed = 1111


# ...

Allows to configure forked tests. If defined, all fields outlined below must also be defined. See more about fork testing.


The name field specifies the name of the fork.

name = "SOME_NAME"


The url field specifies the address of RPC provider.

url = "http://your.rpc.url"


The block_id field specifies the block to fork from. It can be specified by tag, number or hash.

block_id.hash = "0x123"

Example configuration with two forks

name = "SOME_NAME"
url = "http://your.rpc.url"
block_id.tag = "latest"

url = "http://your.second.rpc.url"
block_id.number = "123"


By default, these arguments do not need to be defined. Only set them to use profiler or coverage.

Adjust Cairo compiler configuration parameters when compiling this package. These options are not taken into consideration when this package is used as a dependency for another package. All fields are optional.

# ...


See unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info in Scarb documentation.

unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info = true


See unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info in Scarb documentation.

unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info = true


See inlining-strategy in Scarb documentation.

inlining-strategy = "avoid"

Example of configuration which allows coverage report generation

unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info = true
unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info = true
inlining-strategy = "avoid"


A package defines a set of named features in the [features] section of Scarb.toml file. Each defined feature can list other features that should be enabled with it. All fields are optional.

# ...


The <feature-name> field specifies the name of the feature and list of other features that should be enabled with it. See features in Scarb documentation.

enable_for_tests = []

Example of Scarb.toml allowing conditional contracts compilation

Firstly, define a contract in the src directory with a #[cfg(feature: '<FEATURE_NAME>')] attribute:

#[cfg(feature: 'enable_for_tests')]
mod MockContract {
    // ...

Then update Scarb.toml so it includes the following lines:

enable_for_tests = []


The starknet-contract target allows to build the package as a Starknet Contract. See more about Starknet Contract Target in Scarb documentation.

# ...


See more about Sierra contract class generation in Scarb documentation.

sierra = true


See more about CASM contract class generation in Scarb documentation.

casm = true


The build-external-contracts allows to use contracts from your dependencies inside your tests. It accepts a list of strings, each of which is a reference to a contract defined in a dependency. You need to add dependency which implements this contracts to your Scarb.toml. See more about compiling external contracts in Scarb documentation.

build-external-contracts = ["openzeppelin::account::account::Account"]

Example of configuration which allows to use external contracts in tests

# ...
starknet = ">=2.8.2"
openzeppelin = { git = "", branch = "cairo-2" }

build-external-contracts = ["openzeppelin::account::account::Account"]
# ...

Complete example of Scarb.toml

name = "example_package"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2023_11"

# See more keys and their definitions at

starknet = "2.8.2"

snforge_std = { git = "", tag = "v0.30.0" }
starknet = ">=2.8.2"
openzeppelin = { git = "", branch = "cairo-2" }

sierra = true
build-external-contracts = ["openzeppelin::account::account::Account"]

test = "snforge test"
# foo = { path = "vendor/foo" }

exit_first = true
fuzzer_runs = 1234
fuzzer_seed = 1111

name = "SOME_NAME"
url = "http://your.rpc.url"
block_id.tag = "latest"

url = "http://your.second.rpc.url"
block_id.number = "123"

url = "http://your.third.rpc.url"
block_id.hash = "0x123"

unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info = true
unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info = true
inlining-strategy = "avoid"

enable_for_tests = []