
Coverage reporting allows developers to gain comprehensive insights into how their code is executed. With cairo-coverage, you can generate a coverage report that can later be analyzed for detailed coverage statistics.


cairo-coverage relies on debug information provided by Scarb. To generate the necessary debug information, you need to have:

  1. Scarb version 2.8.0 or higher
  2. Scarb.toml file with the following Cairo compiler configuration:
unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info = true
unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info = true
inlining-strategy = "avoid"

📝 Note

That unstable-add-statements-code-locations-debug-info = true and unstable-add-statements-functions-debug-info = true will slow down the compilation and cause it to use more system memory. It will also make the compilation artifacts larger. So it is only recommended to add these flags when you need their functionality.

For more information about these sections, please refer to the Scarb documentation.

Installation and usage

In order to run coverage report with cairo-coverage you need to install it first. Please refer to the instructions provided in the README for guidance:

Usage details and limitations are also described there - make sure to check it out as well.

Integration with cairo-coverage

snforge is able to produce a file with a trace for each passing test (excluding fuzz tests). All you have to do is use the --save-trace-data flag:

$ snforge test --save-trace-data

The files with traces will be saved to snfoundry_trace directory. Each one of these files can then be used as an input for the cairo-coverage.

If you want snforge to call cairo-coverage on generated files automatically, use --coverage flag:

$ snforge test --coverage

This will generate a coverage report in the coverage directory named coverage.lcov.

Passing arguments to cairo-coverage

You can pass additional arguments to cairo-coverage by using the -- separator. Everything after -- will be passed to cairo-coverage:

$ snforge test --coverage -- --include macros

📝 Note

Running snforge test --help won't show info about cairo-coverage flags. To see them, run snforge test --coverage -- --help.

Coverage report

cairo-coverage generates coverage data as an .lcov file. A summary report with aggregated data can be produced by one of many tools that accept the lcov format. In this example we will use the genhtml tool from the lcov package to generate an HTML report.

Run the following command in the directory containing your coverage.lcov file:

$ genhtml -o coverage_report coverage.lcov

You can now open the index.html file in the coverage_report directory to see the generated coverage report.